Dads Now Fathers Rights Essays

The most recent articles are listed first.

It's Time to Hold Federal Judges Accountable, by Phyllis Schlafly
Kids Instructions for Care, by Bill Bortner
"Bringing Daddy Home: The Fatherhood Movement; Capitol Research Center, by Patrick and gwen Purtill"
"Child Abuse", by Murray Steinberg
"Disposable Dads Day", by Raymond Hughes
"From Bastardy to Equality: The Rights of Nonmarital Children and Their Fathers", by Wolfgang Hirczy (PDF Document)
"How the Women's Movement Taught Women to Hate Men" by Erin Pizzey
"Judicial Discretion vs. Statutory Guidelines in Family Court", by Wolfgang Hirczy (PDF Document)
"Maintenance: Rehabilitation Aid or Lifetime Annuity?", by Mark Kruger [Journal of the Missouri Bar] (PDF Document - 840k)
"On the Subject of changes in the Poverty Rate and distribution of Incom in conjunction With Hearing of the Subcommittee Hels September 10, 1992", by Roger F. Gay
"Sexist Language in English, German and Chinese", By Peter Zohrab
"The Frontman Fallacy", by Peter Zohrab
"The Market Value of Family Values", the Cato Institute, by Ralph Chami and Connel Fullenkamp
"You've Come a Long Way, Daddy", by Wade Horn
A PRAYER FOR EQUALITY, by Ted Greenfield
A Winning Strategy for Fathers, by Dave Usher
Big Daddy - Can the Feds Support Child Support?
Divorced Dads and the Holidays, by Waylon M. Ward
Domestic Violations, by cathy Young, REASON, February 1998
Domestic Violence: Some Things Have Always Been the Same, by John A. Rossler
FATHERS' RIGHTS AREN'T JUST FOR FATHERS, by Dianna Thompson, Executive Director, ACFC
Fatherhood Article, published in the Chugoku Shimbun, Tokyo, Japan 9/22/97 (PDF format)
Feminist Assault on Reasonableness - By Phyllis Shlafly
How Dads Can Run a Tight Ship, by Dr. Michael Obsatz
How Victimized Are Divorcing Women?, By Cathy Young
Let's tear down barriers to paternal involvement - by Cathy Young
Letter to the Editor by Murray Steinberg
Make Room For Daddy
Marriage, by Gordon S. Little
Mars to Venus: Back off, By John Leo. U.S. News and World Report May 11, 1998
Men Are Losers, by Matthias Matussek, [Der Spiegel, 11/17/97} Translated
Murray Steinberg's Testimony at the US commission on Civil Rights
Our Sons, Our Schools, by Dr. Warren Farrell
Our Sons, Our Schools, by Warren Farrel (in PDF format)
Papers by Wolfgang Hirzcy
Promoting Responsible Fatherhood, by Anne P. Mitchell Esq.
Putting Nonresidential Fathers Back Into The Family Portrait
Raising the Standards for Good Fathering, by Glen F. Palm
Reuniting Fathers With Their Families, by Stuart Miller and Rich Zubaty
Sisters, We Have a Problem. By Gloria Borger, U.S. News and World Report May 11, 1998
Statement by Travis Ballard at the White House, Nov 27, 1995
The Battered Statistic Syndrome, by Armin A. Brott
The Deadbeat Poets Society
The Disenfranchised Father, by Matthias Matussek, [Der Spiegel, 11/17/97} Translated
The Divorced Dad's Burden, By GAIL SHEEHY
The Feminists' War Against Marriage, by Phyllis Schlafly
The Hypocrisy of 'Equality' In a Family Law Context, by Anne P. Mitchell, Esq.
The Phyllis Schlafly Report -- October 1995 - Are All Our Children At Risk?
The Six Laws of Politics, by Andrew Carlan
Women Behaving Badly, by Patrician Pearson [On domestic violence]
Working with Violent Women, by Erin Pizzey