Quick-Link Studies Navigation

Anti-family Federal Policy Education
Child Abuse - False Allegations Family Structure
Child Development: Father-Presence Gender Bias in Courts and Government
Child Support Health and Human Services
Child Welfare Illegitimacy
Custody - Joint  Major Governmental and Commission Studies
Custody - Sole Paternal Parental Alienation
Divorce Statistics Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Dissertations By Fathers Rights Advocates Poverty and father-absence
Domestic Conflict Resource Books

As a service to those who are studying and writing on profamily issues, we will be making documents available in original format, for use as authoritative source documents. This will make it possible for all pro-family advocates to deliver the original truth to legislators and media. We are constantly updating this site, so check back regularly.

Access and Visitation:

  • Child Support, U.S. Department of Census, Lydia Schooner. In 1991, 79.1% of fathers with access paid child support, but only 55.8% of fathers without access paid child support. Available in PDF format.

  • Who Pays Child Support?, U.S. Department of Census, [1991]. 79% of parents with access to children paid child support in 1991, while only 56% of those without access paid child support. Available in PDF format.

Creeping Socialism and Antifamily Federal Policy:

  • "Measuring Poverty", U.S. Department of Census. "nondiscretionary expenses" should be included in determining poverty thresholds, but child support payments are not included in determining poverty threshold of a noncustodial parent. Available in PDF format [173K].

Child Abuse and False Allegations of Child Abuse:

  • "Third National Incidence Study Of Child Abuse and Neglect", U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Adminstration on Children, Youth, and Families, National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, September 1996 Dr. Children of single parents had a 77% greater risk of being harmed by physical abuse, an 87-percent greater risk of being harmed by physical neglect, and an 80-percent greater risk of serious injury from harm or neglect than children living with both parents. The higher incidence of abuse is not necessarily attributed to the parents per se, but to the higher stresses of single parenting and inadequate "surrounding social and practical support." Children of low income families are particularly at risk. Only 25% sexual abuse was committed by a birth parent. 65% of maltreated children were abused by a female perpetrator, and 54% had been maltreated by a male. Of children maltreated by a birth-parent, a sizeable percentage were abused the the mother (75%), whereas fathers contributed to only 54% of maltreatment (some children were maltreated by both parents. Among all abused children abused by birth parents, abuse was equally distributed between mothers and fathers. Children who were physically abused by birth parents were far more likely to suffer abuse by the mother (60%) versus fathers (48%). There are several parts of this report (all in PDF format); the Executive Report, Tables 6-1 and 6-2, Tables 6-3 and 6-4, Chapter 6 [998k], or you can download the Full report [2.9 mb].
  • "Personality Characteristics of Falsely Accusing Parents In Custody Disputes", Dr. Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield, presented at the Sixth Annual Symposium of Forensic Psychology, Las Vegas NV, March 13, 1990. "77% of the divorce-linked sex abuse cases coming to the Human Sexuality Program at the University of Minnesota have turned out to be "hoax" cases. This is based upon the opinion reached by the agency staff that the allegations were not accurate. Gardner (1986) also notes that an accusation of sexual abuse is a powerful weapon in a divorce and custody dispute ... He describes a "parental alienation syndrome" in which the child identifies with the vilifying parent and communicates absolute hatred toward the other parent. We have also observed that parents who make false accusations of child sexual abuse in acrimonious custody situations are likely to have significant psychopathology." 70% of falsely accusing females had  personality disorders, whereas only 26% of the falsely accused males had personality disorders. Available in PDF [999k]formats.
  • "Techniques For Interviewing Children In Sexual Abuse Cases", Dr. Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield, Institute for Psychological Therapies. Abstract: Information derived from our experience in 319 cases of alleged sexual abuse along with a review of the literature in presented. The way children are often interviewed when there is an allegation of sexual abuse has a potential for reducing the reliability of the statements that are made. Children are frequently interviewed repeatedly by social workers, police, and/or mental health professionals who believe that the abuse is true. These interviewers are likely to be unaware of their stimulus value and the suggestibility of children. The interviewers may rely on techniques such as drawings, books, play therapy and anatomical dolls as aids in the interviews. However, these techniques have not been validated for assessing sexual abuse and their use may increase the likelihood of errors in the interviews. The result is that the interviewer may inadvertently mold and develop an account of sexual abuse in a nonabused child. It is through this process that a false allegation may be developed. When there is no corroborating evidence, children's statements obtained through this process must be viewed with caution. Available in PDF [1.3mb] format.
  • "Normative Sexual Behavior in Children: A Contemporary Sample", by William N. Friedrich, Jennifer Fisher, Daniel Broughton, Margaret Houston, and Constance R. Shafran [PEDIATRICS Vol. 101 No. 4 April 1998, p. e9]. A broad range of sexual behaviors are exhibited by children who there is no reason to believe have been sexually abused. Their relative frequency is similar to two earlier studies, and this reinforces the validity of these results. HTML and PDF [155k] formats.
  • Link to Ed Nichols page, Author of "False Allegations of Child Abuse".
  • Link to Institute for Psychological Therapies Resource page, Dr. Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield.
  • Case Study: of Abuse Created in a Single Interview, by William Bennet, M.D. Results: Children can be induced to make elaborate, detailed false statements after being subjected to repetitive, suggestive, and leading questions during a single Interview. Conclusions: Child abuse investigators should determine the origin and evolution of allegations of abuse. Children should not be removed from their parents if is likely that the allegations against the parents are false. Available in PDF and Word 6.0 formats.

Child Development: Importance of Paternal Presence:

  • The Father-Child Connection: A Struggle of Contemporary Man,
    by S. Robert Moradi, M.D.In HTML format.
  • Executive Summary, "Fathering: The Man and the Family", by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHD - Donna Shalala), in HTML format

Child Support:

  • DR. ROBERT WILLIAMS: THE FATHER OF TODAY'S CHILD SUPPORT PUBLIC POLICY, HIS PERSONAL EXPLOITATION OF THE SYSTEM, AND THE FALLACY OF HIS "INCOME SHARES" MODEL by James R. Johnston (August 1998). Part 1 presents an overview of Dr. Robert Williams' influence over the development of the child support system across the United States, and his concurrent start up and operation of a company while a key consultant with the government working exclusively in the creation of public policy. A chronology of activity during this time (1983-1990) is included. Williams has been and continues to consult with States regarding child support policy and enforcement. Part 2 focuses on the "Income Shares" model originated by Williams in the 1980's, and the underlying national economic data sources that he uses to feed it. As of this writing at least 31 states use this model and the underlying economics. Many of the presumptions used in states using other models come philosophically from the same thinking advocated by him. This section will discuss the fundamental flaws of the model, as well as the failure of the underlying economics that ultimately lead to support obligation numbers. This study exposes the fundamental fraud of the Williams Income Shares Model used in most States -- It assesses support against a father based on income and expenses of a theoretical "intact" family, then assigns all the income to benefit the single mother family [pretending that 100% of all expenses are there as well]; while failing to account for living expenses that the father bears separately on behalf of himself and the children when they are with him. The Williams Model causes fathers to be doubly-assessed for both housing and childrearing expenses. Available in PDF format.
  • How Wisconsin-Style Child Support Guidelines Violate Mainstream Economic Theory and Empirical Research: Georgia as an Example, by R. Mark Rogers, economist and commissioner to Georgia Commission on Child Support. A well-documented paper with many tables and charts demonstrating increase in standard of living for the CP and decrease to NCP. Available in Word 6.0 and PDF format.
  • Recommendations for Modification of Child Support Guidelines and Reform of their Use Corresponding to the Views of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, by Jay H. Todd, Jr. and Roger F. Gay* Roger F. Gay* and Jay H. Todd**. 16 pages. Available in Word and PDF format.
  • The Child Support Guideline Problem , by Roger F. Gay MSc. and Gregory Palumbo, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This paper discusses current child support formulae and policy in the context of the history of their development. Major flaws in current formulae and their use are apparent. Moreover, the flaws are so serious that existing child support guidelines do not meet federal requirements upon which eligibility for funding of state programs is based. An approach for developing child support guidelines is provided that will meet all federal requirements and should lead to dramatic improvement in the design and use of child support formulae. Available in HTML format.
  • The Solution to the Child Support Guideline Problem , by Roger F. Gay. If your state is in the process of revising child support tables, this document is a must-have. The "income shares model" is mathematically debunked. Proof is demonstrated that our standard child support models, such as the "Wisconsin Model" and the "percentage of income standard" are actually taken from old Soviet Union communist/socialist policy (Article 81). Available in PDF format and Word 6 formats.
  • Oklahoma Joint Senate and House Judiciary Child Support Guideline Review for House Interim Study 97-33, (104 pages) by Greg Palumbo, policy analyst for AFC. If your state is in the process of revising child support tables, this document is a must-have. Much national data is cited and included. Available in PDF (296k) format, Word 6 (852k), and Wordperfect 5.1 (719k) formats.
  • Materials/tables for use Testimony Regarding Changes to State Child Support Tables, compiled by Greg Palumbo, policy analyst for AFC. If you are testifying in your state to a Supreme Court Commission, this information can be very helpful Available in PDF format.
  • Supra extracts of citations on license revocations, compiled by David R. Usher, Chair, Missouri ACFC Coalition. Will license revocations for support arrears stand in the high courts? What creative strategies might win cases for fathers? Available in PDF and TEXT format.
  • Mothers Report Receiving Less Support From Out-Of-State Fathers, Government Accounting Office (GAO) HRD-92-39-FS [January, 1992] excerpt. Mothers in large-group survey reported that the reasong the were not receiving payment is because the father was unable to pay the amount ordered. Note: this is the original study - this finding was so "incorrect" that the GAO went back and took this information out of the presently-available version of the report. Available in PDF format.
  • Child Support, U.S. Department of Census, Lydia Schooner. Mothers receive higher child support awards, but are less likely to comply with child support orders. Available in PDF format.
  • Child Support - Award and Recipiency Status of Custodial Parent: 1991, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 115th Edition, [for the year 1991]. Of noncustodial parents supposed to receive child support, 51% received full payment, 25% received partial payment, and 24% received no payment. (note: this conclusively negates radical claims that only 20% of noncustodial parents pay support). Available in PDF format.
  • Child Support Enforcement: Strong Leadership Required to Maximize Benefits of Automated Systems, G.A.O. No. GAO/AIMD-97-72. The G.A.O. complains that new child support provisions are insufficient, encouraging penalties against states who do not meet all new Federal criteria for support enforcement. Coincidentally, Rep. Henry Hyde has introduced H.R. 2189, A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the Social Security Act to repeal provisions relating to the State enforcement of child support obligations and to require the Internal Revenue Service to collect child support through wage withholding and other means, and to authorize the Social Security Administration to distribute child support collections; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Despite supposed goals to downsize Federal Government, there is disconcerting bipartisan administrative and legislative support for radical expansions of federal powers in assuring that the welfare state continues in full force, but as "invisibly" as possible, without the possibility of placing political blame on either states or federal government. Available in PDF format [990k].
  • New Equations for Calculating Child Support and Spousal Maintenance, With Discussion on Child Support Guidelines , Roger Gay [1994]. An in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis of how child support amounts are commonly overassessed (by including large amounts of hidden maintenance), and methodology for fairly reaching an amount of support for the benefit of the child. 26 pages. Available in PDF [122k], Wordperfect 6.0 {191k], Wordperfect 5.1 [277k], and Word 6.0 [235K] formats.
  • Who Receives Child Support?, U.S. Department of Census, [1991]. Women are far less likely to comply with child support orders than are men. 79% of parents with access to children paid child support in 1991, while only 56% of those without access paid child support. Available in PDF format.
  • Women in the United States: A Profile U.S. Department of Census [1995]. Most single-female custodial parents have child support awards. Available in PDF format
  • "Who Receives Child Support", U.S. Department of Census. Women are far less likely to comply with child support orders than are men. 79% of parents with access to children paid child support in 1991, while only 56% of those without access paid child support. Available in HTML and PDF format.
  • "Noncustodial Fathers: Can They Afford to Pay More Child Support?", by Elaine Sorenson, the Urban Institute, in TEXT format
  • "The Relationship Between Federal Government and States as it Pertains to Child Support", by Stuart Miller, AFC, in TEXT format.

Child Welfare:

  • Rates of Homicide, Suicide, and Firearm-Related Death Among Children. Centers for Disease Control [February 1997]. From 1950 to 1993, U.S. childhood homicides tripled and suicide rates quadrupled. The US has the highest rates of child homicides and suicides of any industrialized country. [NOTE: father-absence is the primary predictor of teen suicide.] Available in PDF format
  • America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being. Centers for Disease Control [July 1997]. 1.6 million children were victims of maltreatment, either abuse or neglect; children from families with annual incomes below $15,000 were 22 times more likely to experience abuse and neglect than were children from families with annual incomes above $30,000. [Note on causal relationships: father and husband-absence are the primary predictors of poverty for women and children]. Available in PDF format [1,447k]
  • Cycle of Sexual Abuse: Research Inconclusive About Whether Child Victims Become Adult Abusers G.A.O. Report No. GGD-96-178 [September 1996]. This report invalidates radical claims about the cycle of sexual abuse. Available in PDF format [246K]
  • Fathers' Involvement in Their Children's Schools U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics [NCES# 98-091 September 1997]. Fathers participation in the educational process is extremely important, particularly in the single-parent family. Available in PDF [1.2 MB format

Custody - Joint:

  • Preliminary Report, U.S. Commission on Child and Family Welfare, American Psychological Association, Division 16 School Psychology [1994, Dr. John Guidubaldi, Chair.] This report was quashed because it did not fit the political ideology of those at the top of the APA. Nonetheless, the report is factually accurate summary of a number of reputable studies, and thus provides solid public policy recommendations that should be observed. Benefits for states and families that currently have high percentages of joint custody orders include: High percentage of father-involvement with childrearing, child support compliance is improved, lower relitigation rates and costs, and reduced parental conflict. This extremely valuable report is available in exact original form, PDF [880k]; and also in similar OCR'd/copiable form PDF - OCR [52k] formats.
  • Father By Law: Effects of Joint Legal Custody on Nonresident Fathers' Involvement With Children, [Judith A. Seltzer, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin - Madison.] "Controlling for the quality of family relationships before separation and socioeconomic status, fathers with joint legal custody see their children more frequently, have more overnight visits, and pay more child support than fathers in families in which the mothers have sole legal custody." "Joint legal custody may, as advocates claim, make the lives of children after divorce more similar to their lives before divorce or to the lives of their peers in two-parent households". "By clarifying that divorced fathers are 'by law' still fathers, parents' negotiations about fathers' participation in child rearing after divorce may shift from trying to resolve *whether* fathers will be involved in child rearing to the matter of *how* fathers will be involved." In PDF format.
  • Formal request to the Missouri Supreme Court to order a new Gender Bias Task Force study. A study of 2,778 divorces in St. Louis County, citing language of the 1993 Gender Bias Task Force report as evidence of plain gender bias in the courts [25 pages, 71 citations, in WORDPERFECT 5.1 format (465K) and PDF format (136K)
  • Child Custody Policies and Divorce Rates in the United States. [Richard Kuhn, Children's Rights Council, Dr. John Guidubaldi, and John Carrol, October, 1997]. States with high percentages of joint custody enjoy lower divorce rates. In HTML format.

Custody - Sole Paternal:

  • Census Bureau Facts for Features: June 15, 1998: Single Father Families Sole paternal "families" comprise 5 percent of all parent-child families in 1997, up from 2 percent in 1980. Most of the nation's single fathers (84 percent) maintained their own household in 1997. The remainder lived in the home of a relative (12 percent) or a nonrelative (4 percent). In 1997, nearly half of single fathers (46 percent) were divorced, while 32 percent never married, 13 percent were separated and about 5 percent each were widowed and separated due to reasons other than martial discord. In HTML and PDF format.

Divorce Statistics:

  • EFFECTS OF DIVORCE ON AMERICA - ; By Patrick F. Fagan and Robert Rector [Heritage Foundation, June 5, 2000]. This new report confirms again, in appalling reality, the fact that divorce is a MAJOR problem in America, if not the "mother" of all social problems. Numerous graphs and charts prove what we all pretty well know anyway. Editor's Note:The only question, here, is how this fact will be attended to by the rather large group of politicians who live in the umbrella of the Heritage Foundation. In the past, this sort of report somehow translated into little more than demands for child support and other downstream, reactive, policies which caused the problem to begin with, and have the continuing effect of escalating more divorce with each ratcheting of such antifamily entitlement policies. Available in HTML format.
  • THE BREAKDOWN OF THE FAMILY - The Consequences for Children and American Society; By Patrick F. Fagan [Heritage Foundation]. This report is a mother lode of charts and information proving that divorce and father-absence are major problems that must be reversed. Unfortunately, Robert Rector, Patrick Fagan, and the Institute for American Values fall into liberal policy responses that ignore the issues and would actually cause more family breakdown. This paper demonstrates the utter confusion in Washington about what a useful profamily policy might look like [Heritage is supposedly a conservative web site]. This paper is also diagnostic of politicians' irrational fear [and incapability] of bypassing radical feminists in speaking positively to the average mainstream American woman in pro-family pro-woman ways. It further documents Washington's complete disconnection from the grassroots American woman. Available in HTML and PDF format.
  • Decline of the Two-Parent Family; Table from U.S.N.R. [February 19, 1996] based on U.S. Census Data. In 1960, the two-parent family was still dominant, at a 53% share. By 1990, it declined to only 36% attribed to declining fertility rates and an increase in the number of unwed mothers. Available in PDF format. .
  • National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Advance Report of Final Divorce Statistics, 1989 and 1990; Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 43, No. 12, Supp., [July 14, 1995] , in PDF format. [Note: NCHS has announced that it will no longer report divorce data! We are preserving this file on our server for future reference].
  • National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Advance Report of Final Divorce Statistics, 1989 and 1990; Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 43, No. 9, Supp., [April 18, 1995] , in PDF format. [Note: NCHS has announced that it will no longer report divorce data! We are preserving this file on our server for future reference].
  • National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Advance Summary of Births, Marriages, Divorce, and Deaths, 1994; Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 43, No. 13, Supp., [October 23, 1995] , in PDF format. [Note: NCHS has announced that it will no longer report divorce data! We are preserving this file on our server for future reference].

Dissertations By Fathers Rights Advocates:

  • "Supporting the Role of Fathers in Families", by Travis Ballard, in HTML format

Domestic Conflict:

  • The Truth About Domestic Conflict, American Coalition for Fathers and Children, February, 2000. A one-page summary of leading citations, in PDF format, which you may use everywhere to educate citizens and public policy makers about the truths of domestic violence. In PDF format [233kb]
  • Alcohol and Crime , U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs (1998). This pivotal study sheds major light on the true source of domestic violence. 75% of spousal violence involves an offender who has been drinking. Another 11% involves drug use, leaving only 14% of serious spousal conflict unrelated to chemical abuse. Drinking and drugging are egalitarian problems, on the highways and in our families. We will never begin to address the source of our domestic violence problem until we stop blaming it on men and begin funding programs designed to help a responsible spouse get a troubled one into treatment. Those who are truly interested in helping women, and truly wish to reduce the high rates of child abuse and child fatalities caused by mothers (as documented on other reports on this studies page), have little choice but to reject gender-McCarthyist approaches such as VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), and strongly urge that we address violence at the root source, and design interventive programs to impact it. In PDF format
  • Physical Assaults By Wives: A Major Social Problem Dr. Murray A. Straus, edited by Richard J. Gelles and Donileen R. Loseke. [1993, Current Controversies on Family Violence]. This report debunks many of the tabloid myths about domestic conflict in detail. (a) After adjusting for actual injuries, the numbers of cases of severe spousal abuse is only about 10% of the 1.8-million cases claimed by the domestic violence lobby ("one every 14 seconds...). (b) Women initiate serious spousal conflict more often than do men. (c) Studies generated by "women's centers" intentionally suppress unfavorable data and avoid questions that would lead to unfavorable responses. (d) Date generated from police reports is unreliable. (e) Murder rates for women are higher than than of men. (f) "the Clinical Fallacy": public policy responses to domestic conflict behave as if all conflict were clinical in nature, and do not reflect the fact the most domestic conflict is minor and infrequent in nature. (g) Cultural norms encouraging minor assaults by wives encourages wife beating. Available in PDF format [678k] with emphasis added
  • Domestic Violence, Update report by the National Victim Center. This study again reiterates that serious domestic conflict is as much initiated by women as men (the rate for assaults by female partners is 124 per 1,000 couples, compared with 122 per 1,000 for assaults by male partners). It also reiterates the fact the "intactness" of family is strongly associated with low domestic violence rates, and that "separateness" is highly associated with serious domestic conflict. 60% and 90% of serious cases involved substance abuse as a significant factor (suggesting that positive governmental intervention in this area would be far more beneficial than a separation order). Almost one third of responding lesbians say they have been victims of physical violence by their partners (suggesting that violence is more serious problem in the absence of males). Censorship note: NCV removed this study from their website in April, 1998 and now pretends that they never published it. They instead are publishing a biased document which you may see here

  • REFERENCES EXAMINING ASSAULTS BY WOMEN ON THEIR SPOUSES OR MALE PARTNERS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, Martin S. Fiebert, Department of Psychology, California State University, Long Beach CA. SUMMARY: This bibliography examines 95 scholarly investigations, 79 empirical studies and 16 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 60,000. In PDF format [58k] and HTML format.
  • BJS Press Release: Violence Against Women: Estimates from the Redesigned Survey While this study inappropriately fails to report female-to-male violence (which is slightly over half of all domestic conflict), it finally helps us prove that divorce is the problem. The key issue in violence is when it occurs. This study states that the rate of intimate-offender attacks on women separated from their husbands was about three times higher than that of divorced women and about 25 times higher than that of married women. However, because the survey records a respondent's marital status only at the time of the interview, it is possible in some instances that separation or divorce followed the violence. NOTE: Removing the innate gender bias from this finding, we finally have a BJS admission that the vast majority of domestic conflict is not associated with intact families. The status of "non-intact" families, which includes divorce and illegitimacy, and the policies that empower these two statuses, can reasonably be held responsible as the propelling forces behind domestic violence. The most important thing we can do to reduce domestic violence is to create policies that uphold the value of marriage, and expect spouses to work through the normal processes of marriage and aging. Available in HTML format
  • Child Support and Domestic Violence: Victims Speak Out, Center for Policy Research [December, 1998], [as originally published by the Department of Health and Human Services Website] A simple examination of the tables in this document reiterate the fact that marriage represents the lowest risk for domestic abuse of either gender. The highest risk group is women who got pregnant out of wedlock and then rejected the father for "government as substitute husband". The second highest risk group is women who are married but living apart. This corresponds with other studies which show that the "divorcing" period is far more dangerous for both men and women than marriage. The "scientific" findings of this study (as represented by the C.P.R.) are easily discreditable. No valid control group was used. No men were questioned about women's involvement in initiating domestic violence [see Strauss below}. No examination was made regarding what role the systemic socioeconomic abuses perpetrated against father(s), coupled with unreasonable expectations instilled in women by the system may have played in creating heightened gender discord between the parties. It appears that no correction was made to factor out the high rates of domestic violence known to be associated with drug and alcohol abuse from the claims made in the "study". No evaluation was made whether violence figures may be artificially inflated because of a few women involved in serial illegitimacy (which increases or maintains welfare income over time), and to what extent exposure to many men increases their chances of becoming involved with an abusive male, or whether the mindset of single-occurrence or serial welfare mothers may be associated with high rates of female-on-male abuse. This paper is typical of feminist domestic violence propoganda, which starts and ends from a gender-myopic perspective and demands more money to further expand gender apartheid and socialism in America. In HTML format
  • Domestic Violence Factoids, 1995, by Richard Gelles, 1995. Richard Gelles, one of the leading authorities on domestic violence, informs us that many of the "old wives tales" bandied about by NOW and the VAWA crew, are indeed without foundation in fact. Interestingly, Gelles contradicts one of his own prior studies done with Murray Straus. He acknowledges that physical violence is initiated equally by both genders, but says that his own prior study "conveniently leave(s) out the fact that Straus and his colleague's surveys as well as data collected from the National Crime Victimization Survey (Bureau of Justice Statistics) consistently find that no matter what the rate of violence or who initiates the violence, women are 7 to 10 times more likely to be injured in acts of intimate violence than are men." Unfortunately, Gelles current position makes a fundamental mistake in pretending that blame should be assigned against men for being physically stronger. It is a simple fact that when a serious physical altercation is initiated by an out-of-control or drunk woman, who will not "back off", somebody is going to lose. If Gelles's (new) logic were true, then we would have to blame police for using injurious force to stop a phsically-aggressive man or woman. Gelles' new logic is further flawed, and possibly perverse, becuase it suggests that men should be required to intentionally lose all serious spousal altercations, and allow women to beat them up at will so as to avoid being blamed for the altercation. When two children get into a big argument, we do not blame the child who won the argument, we blame the child who started it. Likewise, in simple English, we cannot stop serious domestic violence by blaming the person left standing after a major spousal altercation. It can ONLY be impacted by holding the person who initiated the physical altercation responsible. In HTML format
  • Lost Worktime Injuries: Characteristics and Resulting Time Away From work, 1995, "News"; U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1995. Less than 1% of workplace injuries are due to physical assault (of all forms). In PDF format
  • Workplace Violence Awareness and Prevention: Facts and Information, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration [Web Site] Only 3% of workplace homicides involve a husband or boyfriend. In PDF format A full-page color graphic from this report, useful for presentations, is available in PDF format.
  • National Census of Fatal Workplace Injuries, 1996 , U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (1997). Only 3% of workplace homicides involve a husband or boyfriend. In PDF format
  • Child Maltreatment 1996: Reports from the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System , U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1998). Seventy-seven percent of perpetrators of child maltreatment were parents, and an additional 11 percent were other relatives of the victim. It is estimated that over 80 percent of all perpetrators were under age 40 and that almost two-thirds were females. An estimated three-quarters of neglect and medical neglect cases were associated with female perpetrators, while almost three-quarters of sexual abuse. Almost 1 million children were the victims of substantiated or indicated child abuse and neglect in 1996, an approximate 18 percent increase since 1990. In HTML and PDF format
  • `Innocuous’ violence triggers the real thing, by Scott Sleek [APA Journal, Vol. 29 , No. 4 -April 1998. This short piece documents that nonserious slapping and punching by women initiates and leads to more serious forms of domestic conflict. It calls for intervention/prevention methods in screening processes for couples, regardless of the problem presented, that look at look for shouting and other behaviors. Available in HTML and PDF formats.
  • Battered Men [JAMA, August 27, 1997; JAMA. 1997;278:620] Based solely on ISA scoring, the researchers said 19% of the women patients and 20% of the men had experienced recent physical violence. They pointed out that some experts fear attention to domestic violence against men will de-emphasize the "importance of services for women". "Recognition of the global nature of violence may be more realistic than assuming that only women are victims," the researchers wrote in this month's Annals of Emergency Medicine. Available in HTML and PDF formats.
  • Compendium of citations on domestic violence, in HTML format
  • SOCIAL CHANGE AND TRENDS IN APPROVAL OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT BY PARENTS FROM 1968 TO 1994 Murray Strauss and Anito Kantor [1996]. Contrary to "conventional wisdom", men do not use corporal punishment significantly more than do women. Available in HTML format [1,447k]
  • Prone To Violence, By Erin Pizzey. This important book is FULLY ONLINE. You can read about the true nature of domestic conflict from the pioneering woman who established the first home for battered spouses in England. Available in HTML format.
  • Stuart Miller on Domestic Violence, a discussion of domestic violence, with citations, including "The Twelve Female-Only Defenses" by Warren Farrell, Ph.D. in html format.
  • Final 1995 Crime Statistics, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Justice. Among all female murder victims in 1995, 26 percent were slain by husbands or boyfriends, while 3 percent of the male victims were slain by wives or girlfriends. This study carefully avoids accounting for womens' commonplace practice of using a man to do the dirty work, where 77 percent of all murder victims in 1995 were males, and Fifty-five percent of murder victims were slain by strangers or persons unknown. In HTML and PDF format
  • More Studies located at www.dvmen.org, Here is a listing of articles, by author, located on the dvmen web site. They have an extensive collection of quality studies and articles about domestic violence.


  • The Myth That Schools Shortchange Girls: Social Science in the Service of Deception Judith Kleinfeld, Professor of Psychologu, University of Alaska. This scholarly article decisively dispells the myth that women are "shortchanged" in education, and furthermore shows that boys are. Available in PDF format
  • Women in the United States: A Profile U.S. Department of Census [1995]. Women have nearly achieved educational parity with men. Available in PDF format

Family Structure:

  • Household and Family Characteristics: March 1996 [Update]; U.S. Department of Census, in PDF format [47k]. There are now more husband-absent families than traditional families in America. Anti-family is now the social norm.
  • America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well Being, Forum on Child and Family Statistics. In PDF format [1.7mb]. In 1997, 68% of children live with two parents (the report does not say which two), down from 77% in 1980. In 1997, nearly 25% of children lived with only a mother, up from about 18% in 1980. Among the factors contributing to the increase in children living with just one parent is the sharp rise in the percentage of births to unmarried women. See page 4 of the report.

Gender Bias in Courts and Government:

  • Formal request to the Missouri Supreme Court to order a new Gender Bias Task Force study. A study of 2,778 divorces in St. Louis County, citing language of the 1993 Gender Bias Task Force report as evidence of plain gender bias in the courts [25 pages, 71 citations, in WORDPERFECT 5.1 format (465K) and PDF format (136K)

Health and Human Services - HHS Programs, Reports and Statements:

  • NURTURING FATHERHOOD: Improving Data and Research on Male Fertility,Family Formation and Fatherhood; DHHS: Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, [May 25, 1995] , in HTML and PDF format [965k, 165pp.]
  • Non-Custodial Parents' Participation in Their Children's Lives: Evidence from the Survey of Income and Program Participation Volume II [August, 1996]. Good information with waffling conclusions. In HTML format
  • HHS Fatherhood Initiative [1995] It isn't much, but they have noticed., in HTML format
  • HHS - Administration for Children and Families "Responsible Fathering - An Overview and Conceptual Framework [1995] It isn't much, but they still have noticed., in HTML format


  • America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well Being , Forum on Child and Family Statistics. In PDF format [1.7 mb]. Births to unmarried women between the ages of 15 to 44 increased 162% between 1980 and 1996. the rise in illegitimacy is linked to the numbers of women of childbearing age who are not married. One in three births in 1996 was to an unmarried mother, about the same as in 1994. See page 5 of the report.
  • Women in the United States: A Profile U.S. Department of Census [1995]. More women are living alone in 1994 than in 1970. HTML format
  • Highlights - 1995. 26% of children in 1995 were born out of wedlock. Available by LINK. and in PDF format
  • Trends in Pregnancies and Pregnancy Rates: Estimates for the United States, 1980-92; National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Monthly Vital Statistics Report, Vol. 43, No. 11, Supp., [May 25, 1995] , in PDF format
  • "Marital Status and Living Arrangements", U.S Department of Census. A variety of interesting information. LINK

Major Governmental and Commission Studies

  • U.S. Commission on Child and Family Welfare Report [Majority Report Chapter 1]. Available in HTML format.
  • U.S. Commission on Child and Family Welfare Report [Majority Report Chapter 2]. Available in HTML format.
  • U.S. Commission on Child and Family Welfare Report [Majority Report Chapter 3]. Available in HTML format.
  • U.S. Commission on Child and Family Welfare Report [Majority Report Chapter 4]. Available in HTML format.
  • U.S. Commission on Child and Family Welfare Report [Minority Report Chapter 1, by Dr. John Guidubaldi .Ed., L.P., L.P.C.C.]. Available in HTML format.
  • U.S. Commission on Child and Family Welfare Report [Minority Report Chapter 2, by Bill Harrington (AFA). Available in HTML format.

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS):

  • THE SPECTRUM OF PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME, Deirdre Conway Rand, Ph.D., American Journal of Forensic Psychology, Volume 15, Issue 3-4, 1997 (abridged). This report highlights the nature of PAS, including how the alienating custodial parent applies custodial control in either active or passive-aggressive manner to force the cooperation of a child to reject the other parent. Located on the FNF website in HTML format

  • PACE Custody Newsletter #9. Identification of parental alienation, and damage to the child, in Wordperfect format

  • Family Wars: The Alienation of Children by Peggie Ward, Ph.D. and J. Campbell Harvey, J.D. {Custody Newsletter issue #9, 1993), in HTML format

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:

  • Post Traumatic Stress: A presentation by Dr. Jim Canfield - Pittsfield, MA . Available in TEXT format.
  • Vietnam Combat Veterans with PTSD: Analysis of Marital and Cohabitating Adjustment. By Edward M. Carroll, Drue Barrett Rueger, David W. Foy and Clyde P. Donahoe, Jr. Available in TEXT format.
  • Continuing Readjustment Problems Among Vietnam Veterans. By Jim Goodwin, Psy.D. Available in TEXT format.

Poverty and father-absence:

  • Women in the United States: A Profile U.S. Department of Census [1995]. Father absent households are the most likely to live in poverty. Since 1950, the percentage of women in the workforce has increased from 30% to 57%, while mens' participation in the workforce declined from 82% to 74%. Available in PDF format

Resource Books:

  • The Garbage Generation, by Daniel Amneus, Ph.D. An exhaustive quotable bibliography spans nearly 1/3 of the book, including powerful citations on authoritative reports on nearly every issue of interest to fathers and pro-family scholars. This book is available by mail. Contact: Primrose Press, 2131 S. Primrose Ave., Alhambra, CA 91803., or you can email Dr. Amneus.